22 February 2009


I know you've been on the edge of your seat waiting for our DisneyLand pictures and stories.

Here they are. And there are tons of pictures, I only posted some.

For the record, this truly was the best family vacation we've had to date!

Chris and the kids on main street right before park opening, but what are they missing? That's right, the first thing we did was go get their Mickey Ears!

Just in case you didn't know their names. . . Yes, Caedis also has a pair. She wasn't fond of them.
If you take a scroll back up to the picture of Chris with the kids on Main Street you'll see lots of dark ominous clouds at the top. We knew there was a chance for rain but took ponchos and decided to tough it out. Good plan except for when the heavens open up and pour when you're on an outdoor roller coaster. Ha! Which is what happened, of course! Chris takes the kids on some Mountain Railroad roller coaster and leaves me with the bags. Seconds before it starts raining I covered Caedis and myself but once it started pouring I ran to the nearest store. Chris and the kids found me after getting soaked to the bone. No big deal, we just covered up, walked back to the hotel to change and came right back for more!

Once it stopped raining we stayed in the park and got through about 2/3 of the park in a few short hours. We focused mainly on the rides the first day. Karis says her favorite was the Matterhorn Bobsleds.

These are all day two pictures, we focused on meeting characters. In the picture with Donald can you see Silas' face of excitement? He was so excited to see Donald walking along! Karis got her book signed but not Silas, poor guy. He was crushed.

Here's proof that Caedis really was there. She slept most of the time.

I'm told no trip to DisneyLand is complete without churros. But did you know the churro stands don't take credit cards? Or IOU's? I know! We walked all the way to get some cash and I won't go into all the details, but *ahem* someone might have dropped the money after being trusted with it so we settled for a churro between the four of us and two funnel cakes. Blame me all you want, wasn't me and my lips are sealed. I don't think the kids minded.

The Princess Faire

Poor Aurora is trying desperately to get Silas to hold her hand and he flat doesn't want to! Just wanted to make sure you caught that, too.

I do have to input another story here. The princesses were all great at their job. Really. Karis was so excited she could hardly speak. Silas on the other hand literally stepped up to Mulan and the first words out of his mouth are 'I don't like this grass. I like rocks.' (If you can see in the picture she's standing on some fake grass.) They proceeded to have a conversation about rocks. Nice. Such a little gentleman!

The one who started it all:

The Fairy Godmother was my favorite. She was the only one who talked to Caedis and took a good few minutes with the kids. She was loverly. (Quick - name that movie!)

Last but not least was the Mad Hatter. He called Caedis a hedgehog.

We had three days at Disney Land and spent 25 hours total over the three days in the park. Before we left Chris was a bit skeptical about going in the off season, but over the three days the longest line we waited in was 30 minutes long. By the end of the first day Chris was saying he'd never go in the busy season again as most of the rides we walked up to and got right on.

That's the last you'll hear of our Disney vacation for now. I'll try and post Sea World pictures within a week or so.

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