Since we found out we're moving we've been busy. With Chris' job it's been up to me to get the house ready to sell while taking care of kids and getting ready for vacation. So Caedis' birthday falling in the midst of this, well let's say I'm glad she's only 2 so she's not crushed by the fact that I had not planned to have a day all about her today.

So back up and if you know anything about his job it's that he hasn't been home for dinner on a weekday since the last holiday because, well, that's part of the job and I hate that part, but that's just the way it is. So, to recap, I'm at karate with the kids and Chris is AT HOME!
Since he's never home for dinner I actually had plans for after karate. I mean c'mon! The car needed washing because I'm tired of driving a black truck that looks grey and has HI DAD written on the side of the truck. (Thanks Karis) Karate ends and we rush home. And since we've been much busier than normal dinners have been very low key. Which is also surprising because you're talking to the mom who makes everything from scratch now because it's so much easier to grocery shop that way!
So, it's Caedis' birthday and we go to Silas' karate class while Chris is home and I have NO plans for dinner. None. No birthday cake because Chris wasn't going to be home to celebrate (we were going to do that Saturday).
The kids and I rush home and Chris is sweeping the floor! EEEEE! Then I grab a few things for him to grill (!) and I run and get Caedis a birthday cake. To make me feel better I went to DQ and got an ice cream and cake ice cream and cake.
While we're out I went through the car wash and when we come out of DQ carrying the cake you can still clearly read HI DAD written on the side of the truck that now looks dull black instead of dark grey.
Caedis was so excited about the cake, but lit candles she's not so sure of.
After she gets a bit of help blowing them out she tries to figure out how to eat this thing. Keep in mind that desserts and candies are a rare treat around this house for short people. We usually wait until they are sleeping tight to break out the cake.
And from here you don't need me interrupting.
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