25 June 2010

Because I know you're wondering

I know you're all sitting at the edge of your seat pondering how yucky and nasty my hair is since I revealed a few days ago that I STOPPED USING SHAMPOO.

That's why I'm taking a minute to let you know that I'm absolutely shocked that my hair hasn't been going through the filthy stage where I'm always looking for a hat. It's weird although I won't complain. This nasty stage is the entire reason why I didn't make the switch earlier but now I'm wondering two things.

One. Why didn't I just make this switch earlier? My hair is so much more manageable and less ratty and it's wonderful!

Two. How long ago could I have made the switch and not gone through the dirty phaze?

Well, Ok, there is a third. I'm a woman SO THAT'S ALLOWED!

Three. It also makes me wonder if I'm doing something wrong because my hair doesn't look all nappy and greasy.

I'll keep trying to remember to give updates on this important issue.
Thank you very much.

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